With Edge’s efforts to provide robust exchange functionality all across the globe, we aim to integrate multiple providers which help to facilitate buying, selling, and trading via different payment methods, supporting different regions.
The newest partner added to this growing suite of integrations is LetsExchange. LetsExchange is a crypto-to-crypto swap service with low rates and robust geographical support. The integration of LetsExchange in Edge hardens our crypto-to-crypto swap engine, with nine different partners now powering the backend of this functionality.
In launching this integration, we sat down with Roger Santos, Head of Business Development at LetsExchange, to dive into the details of their service and plans for the future.
“LetsExchange is continuously growing and expanding its range of partner and B2B services. We are currently providing a centralized swap exchange and have recently launched our decentralized exchange (DEX) product.
Our DEX product allows users to perform cross-chain swaps and other crypto operations seamlessly. As well, LetsExchange is focusing on adding more functionality to our affiliate program.
In doing so, easily leveraged widgets and buttons will be available for integration shortly. These widgets and buttons will be customizable, allowing for seamless integration into any platform. In looking ahead, a white-label exchange is among our plans for the future. This product will allow anyone to launch their cryptocurrency exchange without developing everything from scratch.
LetsExchange has been one of the fastest-growing instant exchanges in the crypto industry as of late. By choosing to partner with our exchange, you can enjoy the following benefits:
- No upper transaction limits. Our platform does not limit the amount of cryptocurrency of each swap.
- Instant swaps. Referrals can swap coins straight away, without the hassle of having to create an account, increasing our partners’ revenue.
- A large selection of supported coins. With over 700 cryptocurrencies, users will undoubtedly find their preferred trading pairs. We continuously add more digital coins and tokens to our list of supported cryptocurrencies.
- Fixed and floating exchange rates. As a result, more swaps are performed on our platform, boosting our partners’ revenue.
- We are committed to offering premium instant exchange services. To attain this goal, we improve our platform regularly to provide better and more varied functionality.”
What are LetsExchange’s goals and plans for 2022?
We are strictly following our goals laid out at the beginning of 2022:
- Launch a decentralized exchange (DEX). This is now available today.
- Support more than 700 assets. At the end of this month we should have more than 700 coins available for trading.
- Launch our FIAT exchange.
Who is the team backing letsexchange.io?
LetsExchange was founded by a group of crypto visionaries with more than ten years of experience in the blockchain and FinTech spaces. Currently, it is run by a team of international professionals in several areas. Each team member contributes their expertise to offer outstanding service to our customers. We have offices in Hungary, Hong Kong, and Ukraine with more than 250 team members working hard to provide you the best service! Connect with some of our team over on LinkedIn!
What do I need to do if I want to list my coin on LetsExchange?
LetsExchange takes the inclusion of new coins and tokens very seriously. If you want our platform to list your cryptocurrency, we conduct an internal KYC procedure for verification. If passed, then the coin is added to our list of supported coins. You can always get in contact with us by this link in case you want to add new coins.
Do you have upper limits on swaps?
No, our goal is to provide the easiest and fastest way for users to trade at any amount. LetsExchange does not impose an upper limit on the cryptocurrency amount users can exchange.
What kind of growth has LetsExchange seen in the last year?
LetsExchange has accumulated a solid base of regular customers spread over 159 countries. The total number of customers has grown 78x since August of 2021. Likewise, the number of crypto swaps completed on our platform grew by 100x in the same period.
What are the top 3 exchanged assets on LetsExchange?
The most traded cryptocurrencies on our platform are Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), and Binance Coin (BNB).
Want to give LetsExchange a try? Download Edge today!
With seamless wallet creation and readily available exchange integrations, all inside of an easy to use self-custody application, Edge has now introduced another way for users to swap assets.
Edge was designed to be easy enough for the everyday user, while including functionality even advanced enthusiasts appreciate. We’re excited to be supporting LetsExchange as the platform is garnering increased adoption across the crypto space.
For those interested in using LetsExchange in Edge, click here . To stay up to date with Edge company announcements and the latest developments in the crypto space, be sure to sign up for our newsletter below.