In Q3 2015 Airbitz Transaction Volume Was…Unknown!

Great news everyone! While our app is used to process bitcoin transactions worldwide, we have no idea of the value of those transactions! This is one example of what is means to be “zero-knowledge,” like the underlying Edge Security platform our app is based on. While other bitcoin platforms boast of billions of dollars in transactions in a quarter, we’re taking a more secure and private approach.

It’s certainly impressive that some companies can proffer those numbers, but do you ever wonder how could they know such sensitive information? It seems like good news and a great metric for success, but we think a crucial part of this news was left out — how is this data collected and is it secure?

For corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies, transparency is vital but your average consumer could use much more security and privacy. That’s where Airbitz differs. We don’t hold funds, can’t see data, and have no control over private keys. We don’t want to hold this information because it compromises the high standards of security and privacy our platform aims to achieve.

Privacy is serious business and your money is some of your most sensitive information. By using a zero knowledge, Edge Security model, you can be assured that privacy is the first step we take, not an afterthought. Security breaches often happen because these questions aren’t asked in the first place. Knowing the location of highly sensitive data creates a massive incentive for hackers and if this sensitive information is highly valuable for hackers it’s too valuable to even be known by the platform that facilitates it.

So we’ll never know how much our platform has transacted — we don’t want to know — and for our security and privacy minded users we think they’ll find this refreshing.

We’re excited to have the Airbitz Edge Security platform enable a suite of zero-knowledge, private, and easy to secure applications similar to our mobile app for bitcoin. retargeting pixel Skip to content