Why Airbitz Supports the Uncoinventional Tour

In the second installment of the Uncoinventional Living Tour, Catherine Bleish (@TheBitMom) and her husband John (@sovbtc) will be travelling the Western US with their family, living on nothing but Bitcoin.

Their first trip through the Eastern US sparked a lot of excitement in the Bitcoin space as they went through the tough trials of trying to live a Bitcoin exclusive life.

For this next adventure, we at Airbitz felt a strong connection with their upcoming journey and decided we needed to support this ambitious undertaking. Primarily because unlike many other companies and projects in the cryptocurrency space, the Uncoinventional Tour is making an attempt to truly make Bitcoin a usable currency in the physical world. This perfectly aligns with the primary vision here at Airbitz. We’ve build a quality curated, easy to search merchant directory and integrated mobile wallet with a goal of connection people and businesses through Bitcoin. Cat and John are here and now, living the future economy that we are trying to build even with all the struggles that it currently entails. Without trailblazers like them, willing to rough it through the crypto jungle, we wouldn’t have nearly the grasp on how our ecosystem needs to improve to bring it mainstream.

Starting on Nov 9, the Bleish family will kick off their tour from Austin, TX and head for the Airbitz hometown of San Diego, CA on Nov 13 where Cat and I will be speaking at Libertopia.

Swing by for the official Uncoinventional/Libertopia Meetup Dinner night at City Tacos on Sat Nov 15. We’re happy to sponsor the event and offer 10% on purchases at City Tacos if you pay using the Airbitz wallet.

RSVP on meetup.com.

Cheers and look forward to seeing everyone at Libertopia

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