How Do You Purchase Bitcoin?

Introduction There are many places to buy Bitcoin, including within your Edge account. And no matter where you buy, it’s easy to send your coins to your Bitcoin wallet here […]
How long does it take to transfer Bitcoin between wallets?

At Edge, we know there are many reasons why users may want to move Bitcoin between their wallets. It could be spreading their money around to reduce risk, maybe they […]
How Do You Sell Bitcoin?

NOTE: Wyre announced on June 16, 2023 that they will cease operations. All users must remove funds by July 14, 2023. New accounts will no longer be available. For more […]
The Great Hash-Rate Exodus of 2021

China has finally put the hammer down on its native mining operations, causing bitcoin’s hash-rate to crash and flee to friendlier regions around the world. We’ve heard many different flavors […]
El Salvador y Bitcoin

El Salvador has leapt into the international spotlight by being the first country to establish a positive multi-layered bitcoin strategy. The meat of the emerging strategy gives bitcoin status as […]
The Geopolitics of Bitcoin

At the end of our previous article about inflation, we briefly discussed Ray Dalio’s theory of the Long Term Debt Cycle (LTDC). In short, the LTDC is the monetary epoch […]
Getting Started with Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is the world’s first digitally native money and payment network. The asset has a limited supply and can be sent anywhere in the world with no […]
Edge Year in Review

2020 is a year most people would like to forget. A rare, once in a generation culmination of a worldwide pandemic, civil unrest, and political turmoil. It shed light to […]
Who Controls Bitcoin Mining?

We know that Satoshi and Hal Finney were the earliest miners, with many more coming after, but the first year of Bitcoin mining was very static and boring. The network’s […]
Important Bitcoin Vocab

Bitcoin is difficult to understand. A lot of this difficulty can be attributed to the newness of the terminology being used to describe Bitcoin. Once one starts to understand the […]