Hurify Partners with Edge
We are pleased to announce a partnership with Hurify, who will be yet another blockchain based project leveraging our Edge Secure SDK. Hurify is building a platform ecosystem for project […]
Equifax and the NEED for Edge Security
(No Equifax consumer information is in this photo) As many of you have heard by now, Equifax, one of the big 3 consumer credit reporting agencies is engulfed in a massive […]
How to Maximize Airbitz Edge Security
We at Airbitz are proud to offer the most secure, easy to use bitcoin wallet in the industry. Below are a list of steps you can take as a user […]
Why Aren’t You Using Two Factor Authentication?
What if I told you that there was a way to dramatically beef up security on all your online accounts in a matter of a few easy clicks? Say hello […]
5 Massive Hacks That Edge Security Could Have Prevented
Cyber security made big headlines again last week with the announcement from Samsung that a company called LoopPay, which Samsung had acquired to set up its payment system, had been […]