Our directory is one of the most extensive places you can find places that take bitcoin and we work hard to keep it constantly updated with merchants who have been verified. We recently connected with businesses in Spain, Greece, and Thailand to assist them and our users in accepting and spending bitcoin.
Currently, 112 businesses in Spain have been published, 77 of which are brick and mortar and 35 online. 24 (14 physical/10 online) businesses are featured for Greece including one Bitcoin ATM and 29 (20 Physical/9 Online) are presently accepting bitcoin in Thailand.
In Madrid? Check out Check-In Madrid for some tasty tapas or head over to Do Eat for delicious do-it-yourself cuisine. In Sevilla, you can sample scrumptious cookies by Dulce Regina.
If you need a lift, the taxi service Taxi Oviedo has been taking bitcoin since 2013 and was even featured by their local news team in the interview below.
Grab a late night drink or coffee at Lennon Eco in Patra, Greece or jet over to KPN Pickadaily in Bangkok, Thailand for some dancing and music lessons. As always we love to hear about businesses receptive to taking bitcoin no matter where in the world they are. Bitcoin is borderless and the future will be too. Contact us today to get your business featured on the best vetted bitcoin directory out there.