Los Angeles Bitcoin Meetup — in Santa Monica, CA

Paul and I left for LA around 3:30 PM (yes to LA!!) for the “Bitcoin Show and Tell” event of the Los Angeles Bitcoin Meetup (http://www.meetup.com/Los-Angeles-Bitcoin/). Thank goodness for the carpool lane… we got to Santa Monica in good time! The meeting featured more than a dozen, 5 minute presentations from bitcoin tech startups, non-profits, legal experts, and general enthusiasts. Over 150 people attended the event sponsored by Bitpay, and the energy and enthusiasm for Bitcoin could be felt in both the audience and presenters.

Please see Paul’s presentation here, he did a great job and even got in a few laughs, check it out!!

I dropped off Paul later that night as he was headed to Austin for the Texas Bitcoin Conference and to talk with the great minds behind the amazing, decentralized technology of MaidSafe. More on that in another post.

Also please expect to see us at the following future events:
CoinSummit — San Francisco — Tuesday, March 25 through March 26, 2014.
Inside Bitcoin — New York, NY — Monday, April 7 through April 8, 2014
Bitcoin Expo 2014 — Friday, April 11–13, 2014

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